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Movement Template Supplement for Legends of Kalidasia is Now Available

May 30 2017

The first rules supplement for Legends of Kalidasia: Heroes of the Heragul is available for download for free. Planned originally to be part of the next competitive beta, the rules for movement templates worked so well, I wanted to release them as a stand alone game supplement.

The rules for this supplement provide an alternative to the movement rules to ones found on pages 14 to 17 of the Heroes of the Heragul rulebook. While the templates produce a very similar effect to the standard rules, they do almost all of the number tracking for the player, making warship activation take much less time.

In this example, a Surakari Frigate has a velocity of 12 and spends three engine points to make a starboard turn.

In this case, a Surakari Frigate with a velocity of 14, spends two thruster points to add two port turns into its path before spending three engine points on starboard turns.

The new supplement can be downloaded from the Legends of Kalidasia page under the documents section.

Designing the Peregrine Miniature – Episode 02

May 25 2017

The current Kalidasia Live series covers the development of the Heragul Peregrine miniature for Legends of Kalidasia. This is the next miniature planned for release(after the Lynx of course.)

For the second episode, I continued to work on the concept art for the miniature. This time, I created the front and side views. Creating all of the different views as concept art solves two problems:

First, it brings a lot of clarity to what the final 3D model will look like. When only a top down concept art exists for a miniature, it is very easy to imagine a 3D object which is either impossible to exist or one that is not actually represented by the top down view. Therefore, by having the different side views, it is easy to correct any of these problems in a form which is much faster to develop and change than a 3D Model.

Second, it makes it much easier to figure out if the final miniature will actually be castable without breaking it apart into multiple pieces. In this case, I implemented some design restrictions during this part of the concept art phase to ensure the miniature could be cast in one piece. By having the different the different concept art views, I know that this miniature meets those casting requirements now instead of when I have the final 3D print in hand.

The Summary video contains the short version of the live show while the full one hour show can be found here.

Watch the Summary Video on youTube


The third part of the series will follow the process of turning the concept art into a completed plan as the image above starts to show.

Follow along with the series on our Twitch Channel each week at 8pm EDT(GMT-5).

Find all of the Kalidasia Live Series here.

Designing the Peregrine Miniature – Episode 01

May 21 2017

The current Kalidasia Live series covers the development of the Heragul Peregrine miniature for Legends of Kalidasia. This is the next miniature planned for release(after the Lynx of course.)

For the first episode, I cover the basic process of creating the concept art for the new ship. Starting with some basic shapes, I refine the design and add details until I get a complete top down view of the warship.

The Summary video contains the short version of the live show while the full one hour show can be found here.

Watch the Summary Video on youTube


Follow along with the series on our Twitch Channel each week at 8pm EDT(GMT-5).

Find the old Kalidasia Live Series here.

First Look at the Second Beta of the Legends of Kalidasia Competitive Pack

May 20 2017

Development of the Competitive Rules Pack for Legends of Kalidasia continues along and a second beta of the rules should be available soon. The biggest change in this update is a further refined set of movement rules. These movement rules will be quite close to the ones found in the Heroes of the Heragul starter set, but a new set of movement templates makes plotting, measuring, and tracking firing positions, much faster than the movement system included with the first competitive beta.

This rule pack should be available for download within the next week.

Learn More about Heroes of the Heragul.

Albion Campaign – Phase 3 Conclusion

April 21 2017

Albion 8 – Heragul Minor Victory


The short stack of papers crashed down and flooded across the desk.

“Are there more reports like this?” the council lead asked?

“There is a new one every other or day or so,” the adviser responded.

“So much for the Albion Prefecture standing as one against the Surakari. Does anyone know when the Cadre system made a deal with Caldera?”

“No sir,” the adviser replied, “Warships with Calderan squadron markings started appearing in the orbit of Cadre 3 about two weeks ago. So far, there have been no reports of Calderan warships deployed elsewhere in the prefecture.”

The council lead sighed, “I’m the deciding vote for the target of Operation Octavius. The council is split between Cadre Four and Kaylynn six. [Food Guy] has done a good job of casting Kaylynn Six as a lost cause. Maybe we now know how Cadre 4 could have held back the Surakari.”

“What are you going to do?”

“Kaylynn Six maybe lost. We have not heard anything from them for almost a week. We have to assume the planet is under a full Surakari blockade. In addition, a science team had to be evacuated from Kaylynn Five under a firefight. The alien presence is growing in that system. However, the Albion Prefecture has held together because we stood as one and didn’t seek back stabbing deals. Cadre will need to be taught a lesson.”

The council leader paused for a few seconds, consumed by thought.

“Operation Octavius is going to Kaylynn Six,” he stated.

Watch the End Phase Video.

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