The Kalidasia Universe


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Spotlight: Silex Road Cover

April 9 2011

Silex Road Cover

I’m going for the “Woah! Is that dinosaur carrying an assault rifle?! That’s awesome!” factor.

Ambush at Quatrail Five

March 25 2011

Quatrail Five

Quatrail was the third Heragul controlled system to be attacked by the Surakari. Home to the Quartex Fleet, the Heragul forces fought with strength and perseverance against the invaders. However, an experienced fleet commander meant there was no coherent system-wide defense plan and half of the system’s planets fell within a few hours.

Quatrail five, a massive rocky world, served the Heragul as a mining facility. Over one of the largest moons, Captain Zy-Lian protected a military research station. During the initial attacks on Quatrail Five, she had been ordered to stay put and protect the station. As the Heragul forces began to lose the battle, scouts discovered a lightly guarded Surakari supply fleet hiding in the asteroid cluster that orbits Quatrail Five.

Disregarding orders, Zy-Lian personally lead an attack on the supply convoy hoping to destroy it before more Surakari could arrive…

This battle will be fought an Pro or Con Battlefields Spring 2011. Be there and help decide the fate of the Heragul Empire!

Preview of the New Kalidasia Space Battle Map

March 10 2011

Standard Map 1

Update: The maps are now available for purchase.

In the near future, Kalidasia Media Productions will be adding a hand painted felt star map to accompany our line of Legends of Kalidasia products. The first design, simply called standard white, will feature dusty star forming regions on top of a distant star field.
Standard Map 2
The prototype map shown in this post is only 2 feet by 3 feet, but the final product will be 6 feet by 4 feet. While pricing details are not finalized yet, I’m targeting a sub $40 price tag.
Standard Map 3

Beyond Kalidasia 006 – Rise of the Surakari 2011

February 18 2011

On this episode of Beyond Kalidasia, I examine contents of the new Rise of the Surakari 2011 Box Set. Also, its Episode 42 of Chance of Gaming, not 46…..Oops

Chance of Gaming
Huge Battle Pics

Spotlight: Sargentic Abbi-Sian

February 9 2011

Below is the concept art for Abbi-Sian, a soldier of the rank Sargentic in the Heragul Armed Forces. The image depicts her in a desert camouflage combat suit.


Sargentic Abbi-Sian commands a platoon of Heragul soldiers on the planet Silex Four. In an upcoming short story, the events surrounding her first contact with Surakari ground forces will be revealed. With help from a Krylan named Zyrecon, she will discover why both the Heragul and the Surakari are interested in this hostile, desert wasteland of a planet.

Silex Road will be available on E-Reader Platforms in the coming months.

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