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June 4 2012
No other warship currently in Legends of Kalidasia can be compared to the Oscoda because this warship is the first fighter carrier to appear in the game. Anyone who has played Legends of Kalidasia knows that all warships can carry fighters into battle, but only the Oscoda can continue to the launch them after the battle has begun. Each turn this warship can either launch two Larkin fighter wings, or a single Evartt strike craft. While the Oscoda carries eight long range cannons, it cannot hold its own against the similar priced battle cruisers. At the start of the battle, keep it back to pick off enemy warships that break through the main battle line and launch Larkins to tip the fighter battle in your favor. By the end of the fight, deploy a couple of Evartt strike craft to deliver a decisive killing blow to the enemy.
May 24 2012
The Evartt Strike Craft is a first in the Kalidasia universe as it is the first unit of the type strike craft. Strike craft tokens represent a single large fighter/bomber. These units are more resilient to enemy fire and do not degrade in the same way as fighter wings. The Evartt can navigate just like a fighter and take advantage of the fighter screen rules, but it will always strike with its full armament of capital ship class weapons regardless of how much damage the ship has suffered. Though unlike a fighter wing, a single lucky capital ship weapon hit against a strike craft will destroy it. The Evartt is vunerable to squadrons of enemy fighters, but squadrons of Larkin fighters will almost always be flying escort ready to engage enemy forces.
May 16 2012
Let countdown to the release of Legends of Kalidasia: Exterion Fleets begin. I dropped all the files off at the printers about a week ago. Currently, I ma aiming for a release at Origins, but the expansion may be available at World Steam Expo. I’ll post a more accurate date about three days before the release. Be sure to look out for the two remaining unit spotlights in the next few days – The Evartt Strike Craft and the Oscoda Escort Carrier.
April 17 2012
Of all the warships that shouldn’t be near an enemy warship, the Dryden tops the list. It only has two weapon batteries, but both are devastating. Essentially combining the Heragul Destroyer and Heragul Seeking Missile Destroyer into one warship, the Dryden has four powerful Anti-Matter missile launchers and two Anti-Matter Disruptors. The Anti-Matter Disruptors feature a new weapon special equipment, reactive, which adds a random amount of damage to the attack. On a lucky roll, the Dryden’s main battery could possibly inflict more damage than the main battery of the Heragul Battleship.(In case you are wondering, a handful of people have witnessed the power of the Heragul Battleship) The best use of the warship is to have a Arcadia pin an enemy in place while a Dryden stands off at maximum range and literally blasts the target to pieces.
April 8 2012
Without active armor, all Colayth Guard Warships will perform and degrade at a different rate than their Surakari or Heragul cousins. Their warships can often hold up to a round of opposing weapon fire without suffering any noticeable consequences, but the collapse point for a Colayth Guard warship occurs sooner than with the other races. However, point values for the Colayth Guard warships are slightly higher than other races, due in part to their increased firepower. The Argyle Frigate can theoretically output 14 points of damage in one turn, compared to the 8 points and 10 points of the Heragul and Surakari Frigates. It accomplishes this higher output thanks to a new special ability called ‘Reactor Cycle’. The main weapon on the Argyle can have reactor power siphoned directly into it in order to allow it to make up to three attacks against the same target in one turn. This high damage value makes the Argyle both a powerful hunter and an effective fleet escort.